WIZARDS The Podcast Guide To Comics | Episode 73.5

Adam reviews Jim Lee's Divine Right and indie comic Box Office Poison, explores the Wizard Casting Call for an Astro City movie, the Top 10 Heroes and Villains list and more!
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Gabe Sylvan
  • Damon
  • Filip V
  • Donovan
  • Christoffer
  • David Ellis
  • acovio
  • Alex Giannini
  • Jeremy Cathey
  • Nate Clark
  • William Bruce West
  • Mark Florio
  • David Fink
  • Brent Cranfill
  • MarWe
  • Bruno Cavalcante
  • David M
  • Dalibor Žujović
  • Evin Bryant
  • Gary Hutcherson
  • Fernando Pinto
  • Jeremy Dawe
  • Brian Acosta
  • Joe Marcello
  • DenimJedi
  • Miitchell Hall
  • Lee Markowitz
  • Stephen Forshaw
  • Mark McDonald
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WIZARDS The Podcast Guide To Comics | Episode 73.5
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