UNLOCKED! 90's Super Cinema: Batman & Robin (1997)

An episode of our Patreon Exclusive 90's Super Cinema podcast has been UNLOCKED! This was a historic event, as it was the first time all 4 WIZARDS co-hosts (past and present) ever recorded a show together.  It is a fantastic discussion about the much maligned Joel Schumacher film from 1997, with some exclusive stories from a sneak peek screening in 1997, differences found in the the comic book adaptation and so much more!

If you want to enjoy additional 90's Super Cinema discussions like this, plus many more perks, you can subscribe to Patreon.com/WIZARDSCOMICS today for just $5 a month to get the full WIZARDS experience. 
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Gabe Sylvan
  • Damon
  • Filip V
  • Donovan
  • Christoffer
  • David Ellis
  • acovio
  • Alex Giannini
  • Jeremy Cathey
  • Nate Clark
  • William Bruce West
  • Mark Florio
  • David Fink
  • Brent Cranfill
  • MarWe
  • Bruno Cavalcante
  • David M
  • Dalibor Žujović
  • Evin Bryant
  • Gary Hutcherson
  • Fernando Pinto
  • Jeremy Dawe
  • Brian Acosta
  • Joe Marcello
  • DenimJedi
  • Miitchell Hall
  • Lee Markowitz
  • Stephen Forshaw
  • Mark McDonald
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UNLOCKED! 90's Super Cinema: Batman & Robin (1997)
Broadcast by