The WIZARD Files | Episode 30: Jerry "Spider-Man" Colpitts

For the AMAZING 30th interview of The Wizard Files, Adam & Steven are swinging back in time to get some SPECTACULAR stories from Jerry Colpitts, the official costumed Spider-Man for Marvel Comics from 1978-2001! Learn how Jerry spun a WEB of joy across the world for 23 years with Stan Lee and many others in this heartwarming interview.
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  • Gabe Sylvan
  • Damon
  • Filip V
  • Donovan
  • Christoffer
  • David Ellis
  • acovio
  • Alex Giannini
  • Jeremy Cathey
  • Nate Clark
  • William Bruce West
  • Mark Florio
  • David Fink
  • Brent Cranfill
  • MarWe
  • Bruno Cavalcante
  • David M
  • Dalibor Žujović
  • Evin Bryant
  • Gary Hutcherson
  • Fernando Pinto
  • Jeremy Dawe
  • Brian Acosta
  • Joe Marcello
  • DenimJedi
  • Miitchell Hall
  • Lee Markowitz
  • Stephen Forshaw
  • Mark McDonald
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The WIZARD Files | Episode 30: Jerry "Spider-Man" Colpitts
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